Thursday, February 7, 2013

You get what you pay for

So we are having to re-do the window trim that we had already paid someone else to do....why is it so hard to find people that care about their own work? Aren't the ends suppose to be touching?

When we pulled this up we found....

See all that yellow get stuff??? We added the great stuff, (Yes, thats the name of it!) before we added it you could see outside! The guy never sealed the windows!!! How the hell does someone not know to do that??? So there is the answer to my questions of how all those bugs and cold air got in! We have to do this to each and every window! That's 22 windows...COME ON!


  1. Well that totally stinks. Have you talked to the guy that did it? Sounds like he was just cutting corners and hoping no one would notice. :/ Glad you figured it out and can take care of it at least.

  2. We have just washing our hands of it and moved on...
