Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Still kicking

Things has been crazy at our house the last 2 weeks....HA! This weekend my heating system decided that it wanted to jump on the wagon of torching our family. We spent the weekend at Grammies house and on the phone with the heater guy. The weather was total crap which made the 20 min. drive 40, which I drove 8 different times (with 3 kids)....FUN!  The part that went out on the heater was under warranty so the cost was $120. Yesterday morning the thermostat wasn't working right. When the heater guy come over to get paid we figured out that it took batteries. I guess after 3 years, they needed to be changed...hmmmmm all very interesting :O) I did buy a new thermostat yesterday just in case it needed to be replaced.....which I really didn't have planned into my budget....but the one in the bathroom needs to be replaced anyways. Yesterday my oldest had to get glasses, so that was $60 and I didn't realize that it would take so long to make them so I had to feed the three of us lunch so add on $10. Our beef is coming in soon as well so that was another $604.00, which is less then I thought it was going to cost. We were suppose to have company over last night....he and his little boy didn't show...which made me more then mad sense I bought food for them sense they are picky.....whatever. OK. for the first time I totaled up what we spent on groceries which also includes toiletries....oh also what Fred spends out on the road. So in total it was $1000.00. Fred said that's not bad...and I'm thinking...hmmm...We can do better :O) We really can't help what he spends out on the road most of the time. I pack him enough food for 1 week, that's all the food I can pack him. So as it has been up until now he has to make do for two weeks.....things at work have changed for him so he won't be staying out for three weeks anymore but for 2. Which just equals out in the end...so nothing will change money wise. We are very happy that he will be home every two though!! I was able to pay more debt off this month and put money in savings....so all in all it's going pretty well.

Miss Smarty Pants!


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