Monday, February 18, 2013

Heater 2 Me 0

UGH! Yesterday the heater wouldn't kick on and of course it happen to be a very cold day. Our electrician was up visiting his camp (we take care of his camp and he does our electrical work for FREE!) so he came by and put in the new thermostat that I had bought two weeks ago. All was working for three house when it wouldn't kick on again. Called our heating guy and we couldn't get a hold of was going to be 9 degrees! After about 2 hours it kicked on and thankfully it stayed working all night. Heater guy came by first thing this morning and checked everything over and said that he thought it was because our electrician didn't program the new thermostat...ummm..OK??? So he only charged me $10 and said to call him if anything else happened. So far so good. p.s. I am also sick, which has made the past few days dealing with this even better.

1 comment:

  1. Thankfully it was a $10 fix!! lol! Hope you're feeling better soon!! :)
