Sunday, January 13, 2013

Super MOM secret #1 Cleaning.....

You can do anything for 15 minutes right? That is what I ask myself when it comes to cleaning my house. Everyday (through out the day) I spend at least 15 minutes in one room....yes I'll even set the timer. Sometimes I'm worse then my 4 year old! And that America is how I keep my house clean.....My secret is out! When it comes to laundry I do it every other day. I don't like seeing it pile up! I grew up in a very large family, with mountains of laundry that never went away. I'm not even joking. It would get so bad that we had a monthly trip to the laundry mat to get it all done. We would take up every washer and dryer! And even after going to that extreme to get it done it only took a week for the mountain to come back.And I can't even tell you how many times I had missed school because I didn't have clean clothes. That is why everyone should have a plan set in place. I get that life happens, people work or have school...still you need to have a plan!!!! I dust once a week...I hate dust. What really works out great is that I don't have a lot to dust. I don't have a lot of shelves or nick-knacks. If I did I'm sure that it would take me a lot longer to get it done. My girls are also a big part in helping keep the house clean, they live here too. And you can see on their face that it also brings pride to them. And if they start whining about helping out...ummm...I have been known to show them a clip of "Hoarders"! In all honesty I only had to show them once..yep I pretty much traumatized my kids. My favorite trick I have is a clear bin that is in my living room! This bin makes me so gitty! If I tell you more then once to put something of yours away, it goes in the bin!! And you have to do a chore to get it back.. If your my 4 year old and think you can just live without it and you'll just leave it in there, well you only have two days. We clean the up stairs every Sat. and only have tell lunch time to get it done. If it doesn't get done, then you lose out on anything that you wanted to do...I don't play around. The upstairs doesn't get that bad..again because we don't have a lot of crap(everything has a place). I know reading this might sound like I'm a drill Sargent but it works great! And with any luck my girls will be able to keep their own homes clean when it comes time. I have been very surprised at many that don't.

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