Sunday, January 6, 2013

January Budget goals

It's not a secret that with out a budget written down on paper and also having one on my computer causes me to have a melt down! Being able to look at it everyday to make sure that we are on track calms me..I'm sick..I admit it. So also having one on my blog will just make me smile!! I'm not going to post my whole budget, things like my mortgage payment etc. stay the same...these are my goals. I'm really hoping to accomplish all of them.  OK here is goes!

Groceries $800 this includes anything that I would get at walmart, like TP.

Clothing $50 I have already spent this, which I spent on myself. I ordered snow gloves and a Columbia fleece online. (They might go back as I have yet to get them.)
    -$50 I also spent on Two of my girls for new pants

Eating out $20 I know I'm a ROCK star with our eating out! BAHAHA! We already spent this at subway.

$60 will be our copay for two of the girls to have their yearly check up...This just makes me mad, but I just have to pay it.

Extra Debt payment $600 ugh.. makes me want to barf!

Kid Money $40 OK with this I know that I have one gymbuck that I might spend at the end of the month (might also sale it) and my two older girls will need $8 to go skating.

$7 for a wax ( I can't do it myself and I'm a hairy beast!)
$45 I'm trying to see if I can make it to the end of the month before I need to get my roots far it's not looking to good.

Sense our pay checks aren't always the same I'll just stick with these for now.

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