Monday, October 28, 2013

Master Bathroom part 5

Guess who learned to sand and stain!?

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Sunday, October 27, 2013

Master Bathroom part 4

Can I just tell you how bad the grout smelt!!?? I don't know why but it smells like rotten eggs. It took about 2 weeks to get the smell out.

It's also super messy!!

We also put a clear coat of a seal.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Master Bathroom part 3

The contractor messed the walls up....surprise surprise! We  fixed them.

This is how thick our walls are in our house! And the walls still aren't straight!

He loves me enough to try to keep the dust away.

BONUS kid picture!

Friday, October 25, 2013

First day of school! Late

Let's pretend that I have been blogging this whole time...OK? I'm going to start off from the last few days of August.... So I can show you the girls first day of school pictures! Because I'm their mom and I think they are uber CUTE! I will get the blog all caught up in the posts moving forward.